See customer webinar with Anthony Noguera from Nvidia. Learn how GitaCloud helped Nvidia validate Forecast Error Reduction with Touchless Forecasting innovation.
This is a full recording of the GitaCloud webinar focused on SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Make To Order MTO industries.
Kevin Lau and Markus Vogel from Varian Medical present their SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP success story. Ashutosh Bansal from GitaCloud presents a design showcase to enable SAP IBP for Make To Order MTO industries. Eric Simonson from SAP presents the long term roadmap for SAP IBP Response & Supply to support MTO industries.
Watch Sterlite Technologies Limited STL executives present its Supply Chain Transformation and Integrated Business Planning IBP success story. This is from the Industry 4.0 event co-hosted by SAP and GitaCloud in Pune, India on 18th September 2019.
This is a recording of the webinar hosted jointly by GitaCloud and SAP on 23rd February, 2018. It covers SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP Response & Supply application with a focus on Order Based Planning processes. This webinar includes a 55 minute showcase demonstration of SAP IBP release 1802.
This is a recording of the webinar hosted jointly by SAP and GitaCloud on 24th Feb 2017. It builds the business case for Inventory Optimization followed by an introduction of SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP Inventory application. For questions or comments, please reach out to connect@gitacloud.com. Visit our website www.GitaCloud.com for more content.
This is a recording of the webinar hosted jointly by SAP and GitaCloud on 25th July 2017. It builds the business need for Cost Based Optimization in Integrated Business Planning followed by an introduction of SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Response & Supply application.
This is a recording of the webinar jointly hosted by GitaCloud, SAP, and Demand Driven Institute on 25th May, 2018. It focuses on SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Inventory 1805 application capabilities.
This is a recording of the webinar hosted jointly by GitaCloud and SAP on 5th April 2018. It focuses on SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Demand applications.
The content includes a customer case study for Dabur International. We cover the forecasting pilot approach & results. We have also included a detailed showcase of IBP for Demand with the latest 1802 release capabilities: ARIMA models, lag-based Snapshots, Retail POS-based Demand Sensing, etc.
This keynote address was delivered by Ashutosh Bansal - GitaCloud Founder & CEO in the GitaCloud SCM Executive Roundtable event in Mumbai on April 12th, 2017. This event was jointly hosted by GitaCloud and SAP.
This is a recording of the IBP for Inventory 1805 showcase presented during the GitaCloud webinar on 25th May 2018. It focuses on SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Inventory 1805 application capabilities across Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization (MEIO) and Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP).
This is a recording of the webinar hosted jointly by SAP and GitaCloud on 23rd Mar 2017. It builds the business need for Demand Sensing followed by an introduction of SAP Integrated Business Planning IBP for Demand application. For questions or comments, please reach out to connect@gitacloud.com. Visit our website www.GitaCloud.com for more content.
This webinar was hosted by GitaCloud on 18th January, 2017 with SAP as a guest speaker.
It covers a broad context of changes in the business environment, why IBP solutions are required, and provides an SAP IBP overview.
It also covers a customer use case and a demonstration of the use case in SAP IBP.